Sunday, September 17, 2006

The sun will come up, tomorrow…

The sun will come up, tomorrow…

It’s been a while since I wrote anything. This is the first piece in so long.

I’ve been too busy with stuff I find no redeeming.

Stuff I shouldn’t have taken for granted, yet shouldn’t have focused myself upon.

Anyway, I miss you.

I miss talking nonsense to a flickering piece of electronics while instead I could easily pour my thoughts out on so many other outlets. I guess that’s it. I have so many other outlets that I don’t have any more left for my brain to process, to put in writing.

What am I talking about? I have no idea. Hahaha, I’m so rusty…

It feels like an awkward moment you always get when you’re meeting with someone you haven’t seen in so many years, and when the relationship between you two is “hi-how are you-good to see you” kind of relationship. You know, the kind of relationship you have with someone from your office you occasionally run into in the elevator, have nothing to do with in terms of work, and not quite your lunch friends either. That sort of relationship. Yada, yada, yada, bottom line is, I feel like a complete stranger to you.


But now I hope I can make it up to you. I will post something, hopefully everyday. Some piece of my mind that I hope I can carry on days onward.

Anyway, I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting you, brain…

PS: Let’s not take it so hard on me. After all, I need you.


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