Wednesday, July 02, 2008

a happenstance


This is how the story goes...

I'm a recent Facebook member.

And I've been using it quite fondly I have to say.

One day, as I'm lazying around at home (avoiding real work at the office, with an excuse of "I've got a really bad flu", while the real truth is, I just don't feel like going out, since our helper is out of town for her twin sister's engagement).


As I browsed through the friends list I have on my account, I came across a very familiar name.

It's Ibu DJ Sulichah.

So, I mustered up my courage to invite her to be my friend.

And she accepted. After that, I left her a message.

Saying "Hi Ibu DJ, I bet you don't remember me, I'm one of your students, blah blah blah..."

Apparently I was right. She did, not remember me.

But to my advantage, she left me an IM, and after quite a long chat, I changed my profile photo.

She then said she remembered my face in one of her classes.

During one of the conversation in the chat, she mentioned she has a blog.

(can you imagine, such a cool professor? I can't even ask my mum to make an e-mail account, and our teacher as accounts at so many different networks, not to mention, she said she's more into virtual chatting... Ibu DJ really is an anomaly to the term "mature and tech shy")

So, I checked out her blog. And I'm not at all surprised to read her style.

She really is an original :)

I'm inspired.

I always said I wanted to be a writer.

And yet, I've missed to write ANYTHING in the past year.

I shall not do that, ever again.

And that happenstance, really awoke me from my long sleep.

Hopefully I will stay awake still…

First of...
I'd like to give my deepest most sincere apology to this blog.
To whom I've poured my hearts during the rough times, and later on much simpler times, completely ignore...
I'm guilty...

The blog title has become irrelevant, or obsolete, quite a long time ago.

A lot has happened in 2007 (and 2008 for that matter):

Our wedding.
Our moving to first house.
Our (false) pregnancy.
Our miscarriage.
Our baby adoption (still trial with a kitten, tho).
Our acceptance (finally).

My many job moves.
My over and again resignation.

Hubby's new job (actually, a recycled one at that, since he's coming back to his old company, tee hee...)

None of that would have happened had we decided not to go through with our decisions.
But what's done is done. And for that, we could only thank the God Almighty for whatever reason HE has given us all that. And for whatever future will hold...

Thank you God...

And to my hubby, thanks for always being there for me...