Thursday, September 28, 2006


It’s too early to panic…
But I wouldn’t say it’s so.

I’ve still got some time to spare before the curtain closes.
Beginning of the week, beginning of the month.
Start of a whole new meaning of “desperation”.

Why haven’t I heard anything from them?
Is it because it’s not destined for me?
Or is it simply because I’m no good?

This is really starting to get me…

Sunday, September 17, 2006

7 deadly sins…

Envy is an emotion that "occurs when a person lacks another’s superior quality, achievement, or possession and either desires it or wishes that the other lacked it.”[1] At the core of envy seems to be an upward social comparison, that threatens a person's self-esteem: another person has something that the envier considers to be important to have. If the other person is perceived to be similar as the envier, the aroused envy will be particularly intense, because it signals to the envier that it just as well could have been him or her who had the desired object.
Jealousy typically refers to the thoughts, feelings, and behaviors that occur when a person believes a valued relationship is being threatened by a rival. The word jealousy stems from the French jalousie, formed from jaloux (jealous), and further from Low Latin zelosus (full of zeal), and from the Greek word for "ardour, zeal" (with a
root connoting "to boil, ferment"; or "yeast").

As with many of relationship topics, a certain amount of attention to what we mean by particular words is helpful and often necessary when discussing jealousy. It is important to distinguish jealousy from envy. To oversimplify, jealousy is angry, envy is wistful. Jealousy is destructive, envy rarely is.

One same evil in 2 different casing.

Envy is by definition something a slightly different matter from jealousy. But somehow in daily applications, these two may be interspersed with other feelings one may have. And well, sadly enough to say, I believe these two are the same. And one in the 7 deadly sins too, I might add. You know the 7 deadly sins, right? (Lust, Gluttony, Greed, Sloth, Wrath, Envy, Pride).

A friend of mine, been two-timed, just broke up with her boyfriend. While the boyfriend seemingly found no problem whatsoever in beginning his own quest in life, quickly finding his own woman to look after for the rest of their lives together; this friend of mine had to be involved with some nasty hung-over period, I say.

However, she has decided to end that grieving period, and find herself a new man. Someone totally and completely the opposite of the ex boyfriend. They quickly became a thing. And before you know it, they’re a couple. Now, it’s the only talk of the town.

Now just call me judgmental, or even worse yet, I’m the bitch who wouldn’t be happy for her own friend, but I don’t think she’d be happy. Now that’s a quick judgment I’d quickly pass on to others.

Mind you, I’ve passed it on to her as well, when she said, her intentions with him were “Oh, just to have some fun…” But I doubt that it’s the only reason why she fully unleashed her inhibitions (I never thought I’d say this, but I’m gonna say it any way). She said this new love of hers is pure. “He’s understanding and caring, and attentive.” Love, in this case, is highly overrated. I think Lust is more like it. What I can’t seem to comprehend is that why does anyone still mistaken Lust for Love? Is it because Love is becoming a far more generic term these days? Or is it becoming a new key to open anyone up, a fast solution to lust, something that does not have anything to do with what’s going on in your head but has absolutely everything to do with what’s going on down there.

I think now the fact of the matter remains, she might still be in love with this ex of hers. But then, to the more trained eyes, we probably can infer that it’s not love at all. She’s been hurt. Bad. I’m not sure if it’s jealousy, but I think it’s probably revenge, executed in full rage. She thinks she can get back at him by going out with someone else. Someone new. Well, I do hope that it’s more than what meets the eye. I hope this is not her wrath.

She’s still too proud to take anyone else’s opinions or advise, again, all in the name of love (or lust).

I don’t know if Envy or Jealousy is remotely related to her case. But I’m finding a hard time to think otherwise.

I just hope she’s not going to make a mistake. I hope she will be smart enough to give herself the respect she deserves.

... or does she???...

Trust Onions

I’m finding it a little hard to believe that in my (almost) 8 year relationship with my fiancé, I have never found myself more comfortable.

I used to think that I should always have to put on some make up (not in a cosmetic terms) when I’m with him. I always feel insecure, mainly because I think he’s too good for me. Sometimes I think I just don’t deserve the kind of man that he is.

But now, (yes, only after our 8 year long relationship), we have become far more relaxed being with each other. There are no pretenses. If we want to make things work, there’s no use in being someone we’re not. And only that makes us realized, well, we’re now ready…

Do you believe in layers of trust? When you shake someone’s hand, you don’t quickly give them your trust. You don’t immediately give them your address (except your e-mail address, maybe), and certainly not your home phone number. Cellphone numbers are optional, perhaps, when you’re just meeting with someone in your professional circle; your clients, your vendors, etc. After some time, some dates, or perhaps some meetings, you begin to give some trivia information, a 10% trust. Your education, and perhaps your status. Well, again in this level, you can still easily cheat whoever you’re talking to by giving false information. Some more dates later, if you’re normal, you might introduce them to your daily routines. Give them 25% of your trust. This phase can go on for some time, depending on the frequency of the meetings you have. You might also share information on what you did last weekend, how you’re family are doing, etc. But when you’re starting to really get along with your partner, you will share almost everything. How your day sucks at the office, your boss gives you a hard time, a colleague you cannot cooperate with, your family problems, etc. This phase can also go on forever, if you’re not the kind of person who likes to lay it out too thin to everyone. You may start giving the partner a 90% to 95% of your trust. But sometimes, there’s still some things you keep from each other, your dark side, or your deepest secrets. Only in the final layer when you can freely talk about everything, and when your partner can actually understand what you mean without you needing to say it. It’s when the both of you are not afraid of anything because in this phase, you don’t keep any secrets from each other. And by secrets I don’t mean what kind of chicken you had for lunch, by secrets I mean the person you’re having lunch with.

Most couples cannot last until this phase. I believe so. No one is so big hearted to let little things go. I believe that in each and every soul on this planet, lies a mystery. And therefore, a long lasting healthy relationship are very hard to come by.

I believe that my fiancé and I are not there yet. We are not yet in the 100% trust level. But I believe that every step of the way we make gets us closer there.

I believe that. And therefore, I do trust us to make it.

To my dearest, I love you. And I’m forever grateful you’ve given me a second chance.

The sun will come up, tomorrow…

The sun will come up, tomorrow…

It’s been a while since I wrote anything. This is the first piece in so long.

I’ve been too busy with stuff I find no redeeming.

Stuff I shouldn’t have taken for granted, yet shouldn’t have focused myself upon.

Anyway, I miss you.

I miss talking nonsense to a flickering piece of electronics while instead I could easily pour my thoughts out on so many other outlets. I guess that’s it. I have so many other outlets that I don’t have any more left for my brain to process, to put in writing.

What am I talking about? I have no idea. Hahaha, I’m so rusty…

It feels like an awkward moment you always get when you’re meeting with someone you haven’t seen in so many years, and when the relationship between you two is “hi-how are you-good to see you” kind of relationship. You know, the kind of relationship you have with someone from your office you occasionally run into in the elevator, have nothing to do with in terms of work, and not quite your lunch friends either. That sort of relationship. Yada, yada, yada, bottom line is, I feel like a complete stranger to you.


But now I hope I can make it up to you. I will post something, hopefully everyday. Some piece of my mind that I hope I can carry on days onward.

Anyway, I’m sorry I’ve been neglecting you, brain…

PS: Let’s not take it so hard on me. After all, I need you.